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Download CAST

CAST stands for Computer-Assisted Statistics Textbooks and consists of a collection of electronic textbooks (e-books). CAST is authored by W. Douglas Stirling and is published under a GNU General Public License Version 3. CAST is no longer distributed by Massey University; the latest version 7 can be found at  https://cast.idems.international/.

CAST Version 7 no longer works with Genstat as it installs a standalone executable, rather than HTML. VSNi provides a download of the older CAST Version 6 which works with Genstat. VSNi provides no warranties on CAST Version 6 and it is distributed as provided by the author. To install you will need to download CAST Version 6 which is available as a zip file here. Use the download link below to save the file cast_installer60.zip to your PC then use a zip utility to unzip the file to a writeable folder on your PC.

The location you unzip the files to will be the folder you should put in the Folder location of CAST field in the Tools | Options | CAST tab. This folder should contain the file public_ebooks.html.


If clicking the link above doesn’t work, copy this link into your internet browser’s URL field.

See also

Updated on April 1, 2022

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