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Gaussian Curves


Y = a + b(2πs2) e-(x-m)2/2s2

( Y = a + b/(sqrt(2*pi)*s) * exp(-(x-m)**2/2*s**2) )

The Gaussian curve is a bell-shaped curve like the Normal probability density.

Double Gaussian

Y = a + b(2πs2) e-(x-m)2/2s2 + c(2πs2) e-(x-n)2/2s2

( Y = a + b/(sqrt(2*pi)*s) * exp(-(x-m)**2/2*s**2) + c/(sqrt(2*pi)*s) * exp(-(x-n)**2/2*s**2) )

The double Gaussian is the sum of two overlapping Gaussian curves, with means m and n. This model is currently restricted to have equal standard deviation (s) for the two components.

See also

Updated on March 29, 2019

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