Overview of new features in Genstat 22
Find out what new features and enhancements have been introduced in this latest edition of Genstat.
Confidence region plots
New in Genstat 22, the confidence region plot enables you to draw 2-D scatter plots with confidence, prediction and equal-frequency ellipses superimposed.
Equivalence testing
Equivalence tests enable us to obtain evidence that two treatments are effectively the same, or that one treatment is not inferior or not superior to another.
Linear mixed models for censored data
Easily fit a linear mixed model to censored data and obtain well-behaved and reliable estimates of the treatment means.
Improved Excel import options
In Genstat 22 you can import Excel cell formatting information, such as fonts, colours and styles, as data. This is particularly useful when formatting has been used to capture supplementary information, such as using coloured cells to indicate outliers. Cell formulae can also be imported as data.
Generalized linear mixed model enhancements
The 22nd edition of Genstat introduces several enhancements to generalized linear mixed models. These include new facilities for displaying and saving output, plotting residuals, producing predictions, performing permutation tests, and visualising the fit of the generalized linear mixed model.
VPERMTEST is a new procedure in Genstat 22 for assessing the importance of the fixed terms in a linear mixed model using permutation tests.