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  3. Genstat Trial Licence Agreement

Genstat Trial Licence Agreement

When you click on [YES] to signify your agreement to the terms of the Trial Licence Agreement, you are entering into a contract with VSN International Limited (“VSN”) on the terms set out below. Please read these terms carefully. If you do not agree to them and you do not wish to enter into a contract with VSN on the terms of the Trial Licence you should click on [NO] and not use the trial software.

Where you have acquired a trial copy of the software in your personal capacity, that contract is with you personally. Where you have acquired a trial copy of the software on behalf of your company or organisation, that contract is with that company or organisation, and by clicking on [YES] you are confirming that you have the authority to enter into that contract on behalf of your company or organisation. In either case you are confirming that you agree to your personal data being used in accordance with VSN’s Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available on VSN’s web site.

VSN International Limited is a company registered in England. Company number 4027977 (official registered address: 2 Amberside House, Wood Lane, Paradise Industrial Estate, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4TP, United Kingdom); VAT number 750 0348 63. If you wish to contact VSN about this licence, please e-mail us at info@vsni.co.uk or visit our web site at https://vsni.co.uk/contact-us.

The trial software may be used for up to 1 month (or such other period as has been expressly agreed with or stipulated by VSN), beginning on the date on which you first installed it, but only for the purpose of evaluating it to decide whether or not you wish to acquire an indefinite licence to use it. The software may not be used in a live environment or for production or development purposes. At the end of the evaluation period, you will not be able to use the trial software.

The trial software may not be transferred to, or shared with, any third party, unless that party agrees to the terms of this trial licence. The trial software may not be copied except incidentally to its use in accordance with this trial licence.

This trial licence is granted free of charge. No support or maintenance services are provided for trial software. As the trial software is supplied solely for the purpose of evaluation and free of charge, VSN gives no warranty in respect of its quality, functionality or performance, or that it meets any requirements. The purpose of the trial licence is to allow you to assess the quality, functionality and performance of the software for yourself, and to allow you to judge whether it meets your requirements. All warranties, conditions, terms, undertakings and obligations implied by statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealing or otherwise including, without limitation, implied warranties, terms or conditions as to quality or fitness for purpose, are excluded from applying to the trial software to the fullest extent permitted by law.

VSN gives no warranty and makes no representation to the effect that the trial software is error free or that its use will be uninterrupted.

The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the trial software are reserved to VSN or its licensors. The media on which the trial software is stored is the property of VSN, and must be returned to VSN on request. The trial software may not be altered or modified, nor combined with, or incorporated in, any other software. As the licence is for evaluation purposes only, the trial software may not be decompiled or reverse engineered.

The trial licence will terminate automatically at the end of the evaluation period, or earlier if there is any breach of these conditions. The provisions and conditions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect and continue indefinitely even if the trial licence is terminated or the evaluation period expires.

As the trial licence is granted free of charge and for evaluation purposes only, VSN is not liable for any loss or damage, whether in contract or in tort, including but not limited to negligence, or arising in any other way, and whether or not foreseeable by VSN. In any case VSN will not be liable for loss of profits, loss of business, loss of savings, loss of opportunity, loss or corruption of data, or for any kind of indirect or consequential loss or damage, whether in contract or tort, including but not limited to, negligence, or arising in any other way, and whether or not foreseeable by VSN. The above limitations on, and exclusions of, VSN’s liability do not apply in respect of death or personal injury arising from VSN’s negligence, or to VSN’s liability for fraud. Nor do they affect the statutory rights of any consumer. VSN will not be liable for any loss arising out of or contributed to by any failure on your part to keep full and up-to-date security copies of the computer programs and data you use.

This trial licence is governed by and to be construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties will submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts or, at VSN’s discretion, to the courts of any other jurisdiction.

If you wish to acquire a full licence to use the software please view our end user licence agreement.

Updated on April 25, 2023

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