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VASMEANS procedure

Saves experiment × treatment means from analysis of a series of trials by VASERIES  (R.W. Payne).


FACTORIAL = scalar Limit on the number of factors in the terms generated from the TERMS parameter; default 3
RESIDUALVARIANCES = table Saves residual variances from the experiments
MODELDEFINITIONS = pointer Definitions of the models used by VASERIES
SAVE = pointer REML save structures from the VASERIESanalysis


TERMS = formula Terms for which means are to be saved
MEANS = tables or pointers Experiment × term tables of means
SEMEANS = tables or pointers Experiment × term tables of standard errors of means
AVESEDMEANS = tables or pointers Average standard errors of differences for the experiments


VASMEANS saves experiment-by-term tables of means, and associated information, from a series of experiments analysed by the VASERIES procedure. The model definitions and REML save structures from the analysis can be specified by the MODELDEFINITIONS and SAVE options. If either of these is not specified, the output is taken from the most recent VASERIES analysis.

The parameters of VASMEANS save the information about the fixed terms. The TERMS parameter specifies a model formula, which Genstat expands to form the series of terms about which you wish to save information. The FACTORIAL option sets a limit on the number of factors in each term. Any term containing more than that limit is deleted.

The subsequent parameters allow you to specify identifiers of data structures to store the information about each of the terms that you have specified. The MEANS parameter saves tables of predicted means, classified by the experiment factor and the factors of the term. Similarly the SEMEANS parameter saves tables of standard errors. The AVESEDMEANS parameter saves tables of average standard errors for the means, classified by the experiment factor (as required for the VMETA procedure). If you have a single term, you can supply a table for each of these parameters, as appropriate. However, if you have several terms, you must supply a pointer which will then be set up to contain as many tables as there are terms.

The RESIDUALVARIANCES option saves residual variances from the experiments, in a table classified by the experiment factor (also as required for the VMETA procedure).


See also

Directives: REML, VKEEP.
Commands for: REML analysis of linear mixed models.


CAPTION      'VASMEANS example'; STYLE=meta
SPLOAD       [PRINT=*] '%gendir%/examples/WheatTrials.gsh'
" find best random model for each trial "
VASERIES     [PRINT=best,devi,aic,sic,dfrandom,summary; FIXED=Entry;\
             EXPERIMENTS=Trial; ROWS=Row; COLUMNS=Column; BLOCKS=Block;\
             MVINCLUDE=yvariate; TRYSPATIAL=ifregular; TRYTRENDS=yes;\
             RSTRATEGY=fastoptimal; VCONSTRAINTS=positive]\
             Yield; MODELDEFINITIONS=modeldefs; SAVE=save
" save trial x entry means, residual variances and average SEDs "
             SEMEANS=SE; AVESEDMEAN=AverageSEDs
PRINT        Means,SE
PRINT        Sigma2,AverageSEDs
Updated on October 29, 2020

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